Lowongan Kerja Makassar 2013

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Semoga Situs ini bermanfaat buat anda, dan semoga anda mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Selamat menikmati.

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

[DevJobsIndo] Vacancy Regional Coordinator for Annual Governance Assessment


The Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia is a multi-stakeholder association dedicated to support Indonesian initiatives aiming at supporting governance reform agenda. The Partnership works closely with national and international community to initiate, advocate, and promote sustainable governance reform in Indonesia.

The Partnership brings together the Indonesian Government, Legislature, Judiciary, Civil Society, and the Corporate Sector with the support of the International Community in initiating a long-term process to improve governance in Indonesia in a durable way which expresses Indonesian ownership.

Currently we have immediate vacancy for high caliber Indonesians with high integrity to fill the following position:

Regional Coordinator for Annual Governance Assessment

Summary of key functions:   

1. Regular monitoring of the research conduct as necessary and regularly reports to KR Manager on the progress of the research;
2. Coordinating and supervising of PMU's administrative staff and communicate intensively with KR Manager; 
3. In collaboration with KR Manager to develop research progress and financial report;
4. Coordinating and monitoring Researchers works in the effort to ensure the effectiveness of research conduct according to work plan;
5. Maintain regular communications with the Researchers to ensure the achievement of excellent quality research result;
6. Responsible in ensuring the proper data consolidation;
7. Support the KR Manager in preparing the research report;
8. Conduct monitoring of the research activities, including through field visits, to assess overall research implementation with respect to research objectives, outputs, indicators and, when necessary, suggest corrective measures to be undertaken and reported to the KRC;
9. Providing support in data analysis;
10. As main contact to Researchers on any progress, obstacles, and challenges encounter during the research implementation.

Recruitment Qualifications:   

Master or Bachelor Degree in political science, development studies, economy, public administration or other relevant fields, preferably master degree;

Minimum of 5 (eight) years working experiences in the areas of research management and coordination, excellent capacity and skills in research management and coordination, as well as some exposures in qualitative and quantitative research.

Language Requirements:
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

• Extensive experience in working or collaborating closely with the Government Agencies, CSOs, Academe (in both central and local levels);
• Experience in working and collaborating with civil society organizations and public international organizations would be a significant asset;
• Fluency in English with excellent verbal and drafting skills;
• Well developed analytical and presentation skills;
• Good skill on the use of IS/IT
• Team player, able to work respectfully and cooperatively with colleagues of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds.

Please visit our website http://www.kemitraan.or.id/main/publication_detail/21/44/824 for more details of the position.

Application deadline : June 18, 2012

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

Please DO NOT send your application letter to this Yahoo! email address.
Partnership's Vision:
A fair, democratic and prosperous Indonesia built on sustainable good governance principles and practices.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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DevJobsIndo Team

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2. While we do our best to connect job seekers with available positions in Indonesian and international development opportunities, this mail list nor any of its moderators can be held responsible for misuse/abuse of this public service. Please be careful when responding to vacancies as you are providing the recipient with very sensitive personal information. In addition, please do not send your personal information to public emails (yahoo, hotmail, gmail) and focus on applying for positions where the email address corresponds with the official and authorized email address of the organization/ institution.
Regards, DevJobsIndo Team


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