Working experience in Timor Leste is required.
PT. Pugajinou (International Consultants) is looking for the following experts for an upcoming project in agriculture in Timor Leste:
This solicitation is open to East Timorese or Indonesian nationals.
Long term expert (42 pm), duty station Dili with travel to districts.
Start: October 2012
· M.Sc. in Agriculture with specialization in extension/agronomy;
· Familiar with government organizations and NGOs in the field of agriculture extension in Timor Leste;
· Working experience (min 10 years) in the field of participatory planning and extension methods, especially farmer field schools, training methods and techniques, formation of trainee groups;
· Data collection, processing and utilization;
· Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation;
· Fluent in English and Tetum and/or Bahasa Indonesia;
Jointly with the international long-term expert/team leader carry out the following tasks:
· Implementation of methods on assessment and documentation of agro-biodiversity (ABD) in pilot districts or other local units;
· Development of concept and establishment of capacities on in-situ management of ABD in pilot districts;
· Planning and implementation of in-situ management of ABD in selected locations, jointly with Ministry of Agriculture and eventually NGOs;
· Development of concepts on economic utilization of ABD, collaboration with private entrepreneurs/establishment of value chains;
· Development of training concepts and curricula incl. conflict transformation;
· Capacity development and trainings for farmers, extension staff, NGOs, teachers;
Short-term experts, duty station Dili with travel to districts
Start: end 2012/early 2013
· M.Sc. in Agriculture/Agronomy or Psychology/Sociology/Communication;
· A minimum of 7 (seven) years of professional experience in the fields related to the tasks listed below;
· Fluent in English;
· Conduct of a baseline study on agro-biodiversity resources in the project area and follow up study to assess the impact of programme interventions;
· Identification and promotion of value chain measures;
· Training of trainers along farmer field school concept for promotion of sustainable utilization of agro-biodiversity;
· Preparation of promotion materials on sustainable utilization of agro-biodiversity;
· Training on conflict transformation methods and "Do-no-harm"analysis.
Please send your CV in English before 15 June to
Dr. Danker Schaareman
Associate Director & Director of Institutional Strengthening & Social Development
PT. PugaJinou (International Consultants)
Perumahan Pura Melati Indah Blok Q, no. 1
RT/RW 003/020, Kelurahan Jatirahayu, Kecamatan Pondok Melati
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Tel.: +62 (21) 8845 047
Fax: +62 (21) 8499 8131
Mobile: +62 (0)87 780 540 111
E-mail: or
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