Lowongan Kerja Makassar 2013

Selamat Datang

Semoga Situs ini bermanfaat buat anda, dan semoga anda mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Selamat menikmati.

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

[DevJobsIndo] Vacancy: Evaluation Specialist for Social Impact

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*Evaluation of USAID/Indonesia University Partnership *

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Social Impact (SI) is a Washington, DC-area international development
management consulting firm. We provide a full range of innovative
management consulting, technical assistance, and training services to
strengthen international development programs, organizations, and policies.

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Social Impact is seeking an *Evaluation Specialist *to support the
evaluations of the USAID/Indonesia University Partnership and Aceh
Polytechnic Programs. The individual will be responsible for working with
the Team Leader to conduct the five evaluations of the two programs over
approximately two years. The work will include, but is not limited to,
reviewing project documents, conducting interviews and field visits, and
developing a methodology for obtaining information relevant to the scope of
work detailed in the Request for Task Order Proposals (RFTOPs).

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· At least five years of specific experience conducting similar
evaluations in the proposed area of work in higher education, university
partnerships, and/or polytechnics.

· At least five to seven years of evaluation experience.

· Preferred understanding of Indonesia education system or
experience carrying out similar work in similar cultures.

· Preferred prior USAID experience.

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*To apply:*

Please submit an updated resume and cover letter by contacting Sylvia Chen
at schen@socialimpact.com with the subject line "Indonesia Education

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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