Lowongan Kerja Makassar 2013

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Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

[DevJobsIndo] Vacancy as Sr. Advisor at GIZ Climate Change - Vertical NAMA


The Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)GmbH
is a German international cooperation enterprise for sustainable
development with worldwide operations. The Climate Change Programme is
looking for 1 (one) qualified Senior Advisor
Project description:

Project partners in Indonesia:
National level:
• Ministry of Development Planning (BAPPENAS) including the
RAN-GRK secretariat as the operating unit for the coordination of
RAN/RAD-GRK planning and implementation (Main partner)
• Ministry of Public Works (PU) as the responsible line
Ministry for waste policies and regulations
• Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) as the coordinator of
RAD-GRK coordination on sub-national levels.
• Ministry of Environment (KLH) as the coordinating body for
GHG inventories and waste related policies
Provincial / local level: BAPPEDA/BLH/PU provincial departments in
Central- and East Java (pilot provinces)
Project duration: (08/2012 -07/2015)

A. Responsibilities
 Support the development of strategic concepts as outlined above.
 providing professional advice to above mentioned partners and
cooperating with important stakeholders
 innovation and knowledge management and communication of innovations
to a broad target group
 Integrating results and experience into teamwork and the work of all
relevant groups and with the team in GIZ Head office and the other
participating country (South Africa).
 Support the recruiting of national and international short term
experts and facilitate their work in Indonesia

B. Tasks
1. Professional advisory services
Professional advisory services in cooperation with the team in
Indonesia, in head office and with other projects (PAKLIM, especially
component 1 and 2 and SFF projects). Moreover, the project cooperates
closely with the KfW financed component on Solid Waste Management
 advises partner institution(s) on order clarification, identifying
needs, developing concepts and strategies, and provides technical
 participates in identifying needs for external support and advice,
works on policy recommendations and develops a strategic approach
 contributes to preparing and implementing the coordination process,
joint project/programme activities and work in the regions
 formulates job descriptions and terms of reference and selects and
supervises third parties in the course of carrying out
project/programme activities, including performance evaluation
 monitors the development and implementation of project/programme
plans and activities in close consultation with counterparts
 deals with the design, preparation and implementation of workshops,
seminars and other events on issues related to the project/programme's
area of activity
 develops and organises quality assurance measures and suggests
necessary changes, improvements and initiatives
 monitors project progress and the activities of components, reviews
reports and documents on the progress of joint programmes, identifies
bottlenecks and recommends alternative management options to the
programme manager
 makes sure that the services provided by the component/programme are
aligned with the partner's needs

2. Networking and cooperation
Ensures cooperation, regular contact and dialogue with partners;
carries out PR work and cooperates with local communities, relevant
organisations, non-governmental agencies and individuals in the
project/programme environment and with other projects to improve and
maintain good working relationships

3. Knowledge management
 develops ready-to-use strategies and technical concepts, including
guidelines, manuals and procedures
 draws up reports and presentation documents
 Assists with research activities and studies on political issues
which benefit joint programmes.

4. Management and coordination tasks
 is responsible for project planning for the component and develops
project concepts and strategies, ensures implementation
 uses GIZ's Capacity Works to support the management of the component
 coordinates and priorities relevant project activities at local
level in cooperation with the partners, both as regards the
organisational preparation and implementation of the activities
 assists in monitoring of the component/program budget
 compiles the relevant information for joint activities and assignments

5. Performs other duties and tasks at the request of management

C. Required qualifications, competences and experience
 Masters/MSc or doctorate related to the project/program objectives,
with a focus on a relevant field: (Environmental) Engineering with
focus on waste management, Economics, Environmental Sciences,
Political Sciences with special knowledge of climate change policy and
solid waste management
 5-7 years' professional experience, with at least 5 years'
professional experience in a comparable position

Other knowledge, additional competences
 very good working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software,
phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS
 a proven track record in a managerial position
 fluent written and oral knowledge of the English language widely
used in the country and a working knowledge of German
 willingness to up skill as required by the tasks to be performed
–corresponding measures are agreed with management

Kindly please send your comprehensive Curriculum Vitae to
paklim.recruitment@paklim.org with subject: Vertical NAMA by

Recent Activity:
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DevJobsIndo Team

Important Notes to Members:
1. If at anytime you wish to remove yourself as a member please send an email to: DevJobsIndo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com  (you must send it from the address you subscribed).
2. While we do our best to connect job seekers with available positions in Indonesian and international development opportunities, this mail list nor any of its moderators can be held responsible for misuse/abuse of this public service. Please be careful when responding to vacancies as you are providing the recipient with very sensitive personal information. In addition, please do not send your personal information to public emails (yahoo, hotmail, gmail) and focus on applying for positions where the email address corresponds with the official and authorized email address of the organization/ institution.
Regards, DevJobsIndo Team


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