Tetra Tech ARD is currently accepting expressions of interest for the
Regional Private Sector/Development Finance Officer - Kalimantan on our
USAID Indonesia Forestry and Climate Support Project (USAID IFACS). USAID
IFACS seeks to reduce the threats of deforestation and climate change, and
help the Government of Indonesia (GOI) conserve the country's tropical
forests, wildlife, and ecosystem processes (including carbon sequestration).
It will have activities in three regions: Papua, Kalimantan, and Sumatra;
each being managed by a Regional Manager and supported by various technical
experts, including the Regional Private Sector/Development Finance
Development Officer.
The Regional Private Sector Officer is responsible for the overall
implementation of the Project's private sector engagement in two provinces
of Kalimantan. He/she is expected to support Project objectives: (1) engage
large private sector companies operating with a direct impact on forests;
(2) engage small and medium enterprises who have direct impacts on forest
conservation and natural resource extraction; (3) provide support as needed
to target villages who are engaged in livelihood activities that reduce
threats to forests; and (4) work to engage the private sector in corporate
social responsibility efforts that benefit specific target groups. These
activities are closely linked with and support the other components of the
Project. These include good governance and spatial planning, best management
practices in sustainable natural resources management; community development
and community livelihoods; communications, training and capacity building.
1. Provide technical assistance directly to local communities and
government and private sector entities to support small and medium
enterprises and harness investment for forest management and biodiversity
conservation. Technical assistance, among other things, will include
providing direct input to communities and private sector on small business
skills (e.g. cash flow forecasting, negotiating appropriate pricing for
goods and services, etc.), identifying and implementing sustainable SME
opportunities, best SME practices, payment for environmental services, low
emission development practices, as well as organizing and leading trainings
in related areas.
2. Work with other members of the USAID IFACS team and partners to
assist target districts to develop and implement low emissions development
strategies (LEDS).
3. Provide and coordinate assistance to extractive industries to
improve their practices to lower emissions and reduce impacts on
biodiversity, in accordance with funding restrictions.
4. Develop private community partnerships for forest management that
generate income opportunities for local communities.
5. Develop and implement sustainable financing mechanisms to support
spatial plans, including such activities as park rehabilitation,
establishment and protection of wildlife corridors, watershed management,
and forest conservation.
6. Contribute to monitoring and evaluation activities as defined and to
development of weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports as requested.
7. In Year 1, participate in the development of the initial regional,
landscape, and district level implementation plans in the area of private
sector development based on the overall project work plan and oversee their
implementation. This will involve coordinating with the Jakarta based Forest
Trade and Finance Advisor and developing and maintaining direct consultation
with a vast array of stakeholders, especially private sector players, the
Chamber of Commerce (KADINDA) and industry associations, or financial
institutions and others to establish a vision and direction for the overall
landscape programs as well as identifying specific implementation
8. In subsequent years, contribute to the annual planning process for
their specific technical area and region and contribute to overall project
work plan development.
9. Define the need for, develop scopes of work, identify implementing
partners and oversee the use of project resources in private sector
development which may include subcontracts, grants, short-term technical
assistance, training and workshops among others.
University degree in relevant subject matter such as business
administration, finance, rural development, and others.
Work Experience
10 years of experience working in similar roles either for donor projects,
the private sector, or GOI with at least 3 years of experience working on
donor projects.
1. In depth knowledge of the assigned region; should either be from the
region or have at least 5 years working there;
2. In depth understanding of land use, forestry, and conservation issues in
the assigned region.
1. Native fluency in spoken and written Indonesian;
2. Professional competency in spoken and written English.
1. Strong coordination and team playing skills.
2. Strong written and verbal communications skills.
3. Demonstrated ability to work with multi-disciplinary teams.
4. Ability to engage in activities occurring in multiple field sites with
multiple stakeholders across Indonesia.
5. Be a strong team player able to work harmoniously with diverse
6. Willingness to travel extensively in Indonesia.
Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability
for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae, with names and
addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email
Please DO NOT attached academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly
the applied position code in the email subject.
Tetra Tech ARD is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of
gender and culture. Female candidates, individuals from minority groups,
indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to
apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
Tetra Tech ARD reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this
vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider
candidates applying to this post for other similar positions at the same
grade level and with similar job description, experience and education
Please submit your applications before June 23, 2012 to:
"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted"
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DevJobsIndo Team
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Regards, DevJobsIndo Team
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