Lowongan Kerja Makassar 2013

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Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

[DevJobsIndo] Re-advertised : Baseline Data Survey for School Improvement Program


I. Background
Plan Indonesia has been working in Grobogan, Central Java since 2004 and currently covering three sub-districts namely Kedungjati, Tanggungharjo and Karangrayung.
Starting April 2012 until February 2015, with support from Nivea – German Plan Indonesia will implement the project namely School Improvement Program which is called "Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah dan Pendidikan Inklusi" focuses on improving the quality of education in primary schools. The overall objective of the three years project is to improve the quality of basic education by empowering and building the capacity of key government and non-state education actors, therefore guaranteeing an equal access to quality primary education to all children. Through this project, key School Improvement Program elements will be introduced, i.e. competent teachers, empowered principals and participatory school governance in 30 primary schools in Grobogan supported by the adoption of child friendly principles as well as the school based management program.
The project goal is to improve the quality of basic education in Indonesia. Over the period of project implementation the project is aimed to increase the percentage of both boys and girls enrolled in targeted schools from 90.6% to to 92%; and decrease drop out rate for boys and girls from 1% to 0.5%. At the end of the project, The project is expected to achieve the results as follow:
 1.    75% of targeted schools have improved school management systems - transparent and participatory school leadership and
2.    75% of targeted schools have increased community participation in school affairs and governance
3.    75% of schools have improved quality of teaching through the implementation of child friendly, gender sensitive and joyful learning methodologies (AJEL = Active Joyful Effective Learning), and 9 selected schools implement inclusive education.
4.      All targeted 9 school inspectors have improved monitoring and supervision capacities
5.   Acceptance and adoption of the SIP framework into the District Education Office Program Strategy
 The project will be managed by Plan in collaboration with District Education Office. The Established MBS Team is the direct implementer in organizing such training, while the inclusive education will be trained by the NGO, IDPN Indonesia. The school inspectors will conduct regular supervision to monitor the schools in applying the SIP during the project period as well after project completion. 
Plan Indonesia is seeking for an independent consultant to conduct base line data survey before the project implementation as a basis of evaluation at the end of project next three year. The baseline data survey has to be completed in four weeks time in July - August 2012
 II.   Scope and Purpose of the Baseline data  
The base line data has to cover three targeted elements: 1) condition of schools, 2) capacity of school inspectors, and 3) program direction at the District Education Office.
1)    The baseline data has to cover 30 primary schools located in Kedungjati (15 schools), Tanggungharjo (7 schools), and Karangrayung (8 schools).
2)    The baseline data has to cover the capacity of respective school inspectors in monitoring the implementation of MBS and inclusive education.
3). The baseline data has also to cover the program direction at District Education Officein implementing MBS and inclusive education. The data that has to be collected can be seen at file
 III.   Methodology and Statements of Work
The consultant should come up with a suitable methodology for this baseline data survey. Plan Indonesia will encourage the used of qualitative and quantitative research methodology apply in evaluation. The evaluation will take place mainly in the field (schools, UPTDs and Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten). Primary data will be collected through variety of methods, including key informant interviews and focus group discussions with representatives of key stakeholder groups. During the survey, the consultants are expected to apply the following approaches for data collection and analysis.
1)      Develop the survey protocol detailing the methods and instruments.
2)      Review of relevant documents, including but not limited to available documentation, records, and monitoring reports.
3)      Interview with District Education Officers at district level responsible for MBS and inclusive education.
4)      Interview with direct beneficiaries (student, girls and boys), teachers, school headmasters, school committee members, parents and community. Interviews should consist of key focus the stated base line data.
5)      Adhere to all relevant procedures and policies of the Plan Indonesia.
 IV. Deliverables
        The consultant is expected to deliver as follows to Plan Indonesia:
1)      Survey protocols, detailing the survey activity timeline and proposed instruments, for discussion and approval (before starting the field work).
2)      Presentation of the baseline data report including the recommendations by conducting a meeting attended by Plan Indonesia management (representative Schools, representative school inspectors, UPTD Head, District Education Officers).
3)      Submission of the draft report both in Bahasa and English language within two weeks of the completion of the field work (field work is including round table and workshop).
4)      Submission of the FINAL Report both in Bahasa and English language within one week after receiving the feedback from the Plan Indonesia team on the draft report.
5)    Properly filed/archived hard copies of filled-in questionnaire (if used), transcripts of any discussions and interviews etc
 V. Timeline
        The consultancy is expected to start in secondweek of July 2012 and to be completed by end of August 2012.
 VI. Qualification and Professional Experience Recruitment
Consultant or institution with following portfolio will be required to undertake the evaluation.
VII. Qualifications and Professional Experience Requirements:
·           Post graduate qualification in evaluation, social science or a related M&E field.
·           At least five years of experience in evaluation of a range of interventions, particularly in Education including the international and national legal instruments related to education and rights of children, and understand the School Improvement Program with the use of School Based Management.
·           Experience in conducting project assessment or evaluation with quantitative and qualitative research methods including working with primary school children.
·           Ability to work independently and be comfortable in field environment.
·         Has good analytical skills and evaluation report writing skills
·           Excellent interpersonal communication and presentation skills both in Indonesia and English.

VII. Selection Proceses and Management
       Application Procedures & Selection (Step 1):
Interested institutions or individuals can send their expression of interest (EOI) via email to
     a)    PME Manager (Ade Darmawansyah: Ade.Darmawansyah@plan-international.org)
             b)Education Program Advisor (Sudiyo : sudiyo.sudiyo@plan-international.org)
 Expected materials:
·           The detailed proposals.
·           Proposed survey methodology and Instruments.
·           Detailed Time Line.
·           Detailed Budget: (personals, training, cost of entry program, etc).
·           A brief description of your institution (for applicants other than individual contractors) and a covering letter justifying your suitability for the assignment.
·           Curriculum Vitae (CV) for all members of the team applying for consideration;
·           Daily rate quote(s);
·           Three (3) professional references.
Deadline of submission of the proposal is 15 June 2012
Step 2:
The short-listed candidates/institutions will be asked to present their proposal. Interviews will be conducted and reference will be checked before making the final selection. PME Program Manager and Education Manager will be responsible for the final selection of the consultants/institutions in close collaboration with the MBS Specialist and for approving the evaluation methodology, instruments and the final deliverables.Plan Indonesia will assist the external consultant as follows:
1)    Provide all documents and data required for the evaluation.
2)    Provide logistical support.
3)    Arrangement of field work (to meet the community and stakeholders) for interviews and groups discussions, round table and workshop.

VII. Contact
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, PME (Ade Darmawansyah: Ade.Darmawansyah@plan-international.org)
 IX. Ethical Guidelines
It is expected that the evaluation team will adhere to ethical guidelines as outlined in the American Evaluation Association's Guiding Principles for Evaluator as reference. A summary of these guidelines is provided below. www.eval.org/Publications/GuidingPrinciplesPrintable.asp.
1)      Informed Consent:All participants are expected to provide informed consent following standard and pre-agreed upon consent protocols.
2)      Systematic Inquiry:Evaluation team/evaluator conducts systematic, data-based inquiries.
3)      Competence:Evaluation team/evaluator provides competent performance to stakeholders.
4)      Integrity/Honesty:Evaluation team display honesty and integrity in their behavior, and attempt to ensure the honesty and integrity of the entire evaluation process.
5)      Respect for People:Evaluation team/evaluator respects the security, dignity and self-worth of respondents, program participants, clients, and other stakeholders. It is expected that the evaluation team/evaluator will obtain the informed consent of participants to ensure that they can decide in a conscious, deliberate way whether they want to participate.
    Responsibilities for General and Public Welfare:Evaluation team/evaluator articulate and take into account the diversity of     general and public interests and values that may be related to the evaluation.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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