Indonesia Office
Deadline for applications: July 10, 2012
Start date: July 16, 2012
Period: 3 months
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* *
The American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative ("ABA ROLI") is a
non-governmental organization of the American Bar Association, which for 25
years has promoted the rule of law worldwide in collaboration with local
partners. ABA ROLI's three-year program 'Strengthening ASEAN's Human Rights
System' works to build the involvement of the legal profession in the ASEAN
human rights system.
*Internship description*: ABA ROLI is currently seeking a full-time intern
to work on ABA ROLI's program 'Strengthening ASEAN's Human Rights System'.
The internship placement is for three months starting in July 2012 and
ending in September 2012.
The intern will be supervised by ABA ROLI Program Manager. The intern will
primarily focus on monitoring current events related to human rights issues
in Southeast Asia region, assisting with research, and responding to
inquiries. The intern will also assist with some administrative tasks and
translation assignments. The intern will be based in Jakarta.
The intern will get an allowance of IDR 150.000 per day of attendance which
will cover travel expenses and lunch.
*Qualification*: The internship is open to law students and newly qualified
law graduates. Applicants should be well-organized, self-motivated, and
reliable, with a strong interest in human rights and current affairs in
Southeast Asia. Fluency or high level of proficiency in English is
required. Familiarity with Southeast Asia and human rights are highly
desirable. Computer skills (*i.e.*, Microsoft Office, Internet
applications) are required.
*How to Apply: *To apply, please send a *cover letter*, *resume*, and a *brief
unedited writing sample of no more than 2,000 words* to
aba.roli.ind@gmail.com by *July 10, 2012*. Please put "*ABA ROLI Internship
Application*" as the subject of your email. ABA ROLI will only contact
shortlisted candidates.**
Betty Yolanda
Program Manager
ABA ROLI Indonesia
E-mail: byolanda.roli@gmail.com
Mobile: (62) 8121841081
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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