Lowongan Kerja Makassar 2013

Selamat Datang

Semoga Situs ini bermanfaat buat anda, dan semoga anda mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Selamat menikmati.

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

[fasilitator_masyarakat] Fwd: Belajar atau Mengajar Bahasa Inggris dg Instan? Bisaaa!


info bagus .. kalo tertarik jangan reply saya tapi langsung aja email dibawah !

----- Original Message -----
From: farahlie (farahlie@mail.com)
Sent: Saturday July 14 01:30 AMAM
Subject: Belajar / Mengajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Instan? Bisaaa!

Anda ingin belajar bahasa Inggris? Tapi tidak ada waktu buat kursus? Ingin beli buku tapi buku yang dikarang penulis Indonesia kurang memuaskan? Anda guru? Kesulitan mencari buku2 berkualitas? Ingin menghemat waktu? Selamanya TIDAK lagi menjadi masalah.

Well, be afraid no more. Dengan DVD e-book buku-buku terbitan Longman, Cambridge, Oxford Univ. Press, Barron, MacMillan, McGraw-Hill, dll, kita bisa belajar bahasa Inggris sendiri. Plus kita juga bisa latihan listening dengan MP3 audio files. Buku-buku ini dijamin berkualitas. Buat para guru bahasa Inggris, buku ini dapat dijadikan buku referensi, tinggal di-print saja. Menghemat banyak waktu!

Paket EnglishDVD :
Paket 1 - DVD English Grammar (Rp. 100.000)
Paket 2 - DVD English for Children, Vocabulary, Dictionary (Rp. 100.000)
Paket 3 - DVD English Certificates, Toefl , Reading & Writing (Rp. 100.000)
Paket 4 - DVD Conversation (Rp. 100.000)
Paket 5 - DVD Business English (Rp. 100.000)
Paket 6 - DVD Tell Me More (Rp. 100.000)

SPECIAL PROMO DISC42% : Paket 7 - Berisi Paket 1-2-3-4-5-6 + FREE BONUS 1 DVD Listening

Saat ini kami memberikan promo penawaran khusus berupa discount 42% untuk pemesanan PAKET 7 seharga Rp. 349.000 dengan bonus dan ongkos kirim tetap gratis.

Untuk pembelian Paket 7, dapatkan bonus 1 DVD Listening berisi file-file SWF (Flash), mp3, novel, komik dan flv (video youtube). DVD Listening ini merupakan bonus yang tidak kami perjual-belikan.

Untuk spesifikasi dan cover screenshot masing-masing paket produk silahkan anda mengunjungi etalase online saya di situs http://farahlie.multiply.com

Paket ini juga cocok untuk dijadikan sebagai hadiah untuk teman atau anak anda.

Bagi yang berminat memesan dapat menghubungi saya di: farahlie@gmail.com atau farahlie@mail.com

mohon forward email ini pada teman-teman lain yang memerlukan :)

Website: http://farahlie.multiply.com
HP: 081221089520 (sms only)
YM: lady.photographer
add fb : http://www.facebook.com/farahlie.online
add twitter : http://www.twitter.com/farahlie

e-books novel/komik yang juga disertakan dalam DVD bonus :

andersen's fairy tales - hans christian andersen
angels and demons - dan brown
angels and demons - dan brown - versi indonesia
anna karenina - leo tolstoy
around the world in 80 days - jules verne
asterix and cleopatra
asterix in belgium
asterix in britain
asterix in corsica
asterix in spain
asterix in switzerland
asterix the gladiator
dark arena - mario puzo
deception point
digital fortress - dan brown
digital fortress - dan brown - versi indonesia
empress orchid - anchee min
fifth country - es ito
fools die - mario puzo
frankenstein - mary shelley
godfather - mario puzo
harry potter and the deathly hallows
harry potter and the order of phoenix
i know this much is true - wally lamb
into zero point - agatha christie
last don - mario puzo
lolita - vladimir nabokov
lord of the ring - silmarillion
lord of the ring - the fellow ship of the ring
lord of the ring - the hobbit
lord of the ring - the return of the king
lord of the ring - the two tower
moby dick or the whale - herman melville
money, a memoir - liz perle
murder on the links - agatha christie
musashi - eiji yoshikawa
otori clan story 1 - across the nightingale floor.jar - lian hearn
otori clan story 2 - grass for his fillow - lian hearn
otori clan story 3 - brilliance of the moon - lian hearn
penthouse magazine - march
playboy - hot shots
playboy magazine - april
playboy magazine - march
playboy magazine - may
playboy magazine - september
rich dad - robert t kiyosaki
robinson crusoe - daniel defoe
samurai castle - noriko saka
secret of the secrets
shogun - james clavell
sicilian - mario puzo
snow - orhan pamuk
the 47 ronin story - john allyn
the adventure of tom sawyer - mark twain
the adventures of huckleberry finn - mark twain
the adventures of robin hood - howard pyle
the book of the thousand nights and a night - richard f burton
the clocks - agatha christie
the davinci code - dan brown
the divine message of the dna - kazuo murakami
the last of the mohicans - james fenimore cooper
the murder of roger acryod - agatha christie
the prince - nicolo machiavelli
the scarlett letter - nathaniel hawthorne
the works of edgar allan poe - volume 1 - raven edition
tintin - cigars of the pharaoh
tintin - flight 714
tintin - land of black gold
tintin - prisoners of the sun
tintin - the black island
twilight 1 - stephenie meyer
twilight 2 - new moon - stephenie meyer
twilight 3 - eclipse - stephenie meyer
twilight 4 - breaking dawn - stephenie meyer
vanity fair - william makepeace thackeray
why didnt they ask evan - agatha christie
why don't penguins feet freeze - mick o hare
why men don't listen - alan barbara pease
you can choose to be rich - robert t kiyosaki


Recent Activity:


Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

Data account Yahoo! Anda telah berubah

Alamat email ini (popularitasnews.infoberita@blogger.com) telah ditambahkan ke account Yahoo! Anda ‎(si********)‎.

Kini Anda dapat menggunakan alamat email ini untuk memulihkan account Anda seandainya Anda lupa kata sandi. Agar data account Anda tetap akurat dan aman, kami akan memberitahu Anda bila ada perubahan pada data ini.

Permintaan perubahan ini dibuat pada tanggal 15 Juli 2012, pukul 23:05.

Jika perubahan yang ada di atas benar, tidak perlu tindakan lebih lanjut. Jika ada yang tidak benar, ikuti link di bawah untuk melakukan perubahan:

Layanan Account Yahoo!
Harap jangan balas email ini. Email yang dikirim ke alamat ini tidak akan dijawab.

Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

[fasilitator_masyarakat] Trs: Fwd: Fw: Iklan KKI WARSI [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from adi junedi included below]

Bagi yang berminat beraktifitas memberdayakan masyarakat yg berada dlm dan sekitar hutan di Sumatera Bagian Tengah

----- Pesan yang Diteruskan -----
Dari: adi junedi <ggiriak@gmail.com>
Kepada: junedi_adi <junedi_adi@yahoo.co.id>
Dikirim: Rabu, 11 Juli 2012 16:53
Judul: Fwd: Fw: Iklan KKI WARSI

---------- Pesan terusan ----------
Dari: nazariah Riah <n4z4_canina83@yahoo.com>
Tanggal: 11 Juli 2012 16:34
Perihal: Fw: Iklan KKI WARSI
Ke: "ggiriak@gmail.com" <ggiriak@gmail.com>

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: andie agustanis <kicau_ceria@yahoo.com>
To: wak Zen <zainuddin22@yahoo.com>; nopri hidayat <nv_fethjbi@yahoo.co.id>; maryati <maryati.yati89@yahoo.com>; "n4z4_canina83@yahoo.com" <n4z4_canina83@yahoo.com>; abdul rahman <beedduull@gmail.com>; farida angraini <idarazaq@yahoo.com>; tyas anugrah <tyas.anugrah21@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 6:23 PM
Subject: Fw: Iklan KKI WARSI

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: sri hidayati <srihidayati@yahoo.com>
To: Kurniawan <kurniawan_warsi@yahoo.com>; "kicau_ceria@yahoo.com" <kicau_ceria@yahoo.com>
Cc: Robert Aritonang <robert_aritonang@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 10 July 2012, 16:12
Subject: Iklan KKI WARSI

Kur dan Andi,

Terlampir iklan kita untuk perekrutan staff, mohon bantuan untuk dishare ke teman teman satu kampus dulu. atau siapa yang berminat.

PS. Andi, tolong share ke Nopri Hidayat dan Maryati. tq




Adi Junedi
1. Jl. R. Inu Kertapati No. 12 RT 10 Kel. Pematang Sulur Kec. Telanai Pura Kota Jambi - Jambi  Phone. +62 741 66678, 66695 Fax. +62 741 670609. 
2. Jl. H. Somad No.13 RT 02/01 Kelurahan Cadika Kecamatan Rimbo Tengah Kabupaten Bungo
Handphone. +62 812 741 74 34, 


Attachment(s) from adi junedi

1 of 1 File(s)

Recent Activity:


Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

[fasilitator_masyarakat] Re:6


Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Data account Yahoo! Anda telah berubah

Alamat email ini (sirul_alhaq.popularitas@blogger.com) telah ditambahkan ke account Yahoo! Anda ‎(si********)‎.

Kini Anda dapat menggunakan alamat email ini untuk memulihkan account Anda seandainya Anda lupa kata sandi. Agar data account Anda tetap akurat dan aman, kami akan memberitahu Anda bila ada perubahan pada data ini.

Permintaan perubahan ini dibuat pada tanggal 04 Juli 2012, pukul 01:16.

Jika perubahan yang ada di atas benar, tidak perlu tindakan lebih lanjut. Jika ada yang tidak benar, ikuti link di bawah untuk melakukan perubahan:

Layanan Account Yahoo!
Harap jangan balas email ini. Email yang dikirim ke alamat ini tidak akan dijawab.

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

[DevJobsIndo] Vacancy at Caritas Czech Republic - LPA BA


Dear All,
Caritas Czech Republic Aceh Mission (CCR) has
been implementing rural livelihoods development activities in Aceh Jaya
district since 2005 after finalizing emergencyphase of the post tsunami
relief. Livelihood field became soon a core activity of CCR in Aceh. For more than 4 years CCR
has been providing long term support for the victims of tsunami in the fields
of agriculture, agro-forestry and aquacultures (all sub districts of Aceh Jaya
In 2010-2012 CCR will be implementing a
project for the Multi-Donor Fund (MDF) in cooperation with the Economic
Development Financing Facility (EDFF) and the World Bank. This project will
focus on improving the economic opportunities available to nilam growers across
Aceh. This call for applications is open for this project.
He/she will be involved in the archiving for
the logistics & procurement department document for the project closing
both for EDFF and CCR Headquarter. Checking the payment of the ongoing
procurement. Selling /auctioning some of CCR asset, supporting small
Job title                                         : Logistict and ProcurementAssistant
Code                                            :  LPA – Banda Aceh
Supervisor                                   :  Logistics & Procurement Manager
Duty station                                      :  Banda Aceh
Expected duration of assignment     :  July
to August 2012
Description of Responsibilities:
To conduct archiving logistics & procurement department both for EDFF and CCR Headquarter;Liaise and co-ordinate with the relevant departments/
functions regarding the project closing such as pending payment to finance, delivery
of materials and keep all parties informed of any changes;
Supporting document and administration needed for the
Logistics & Procurement Assistant in the Districts (Aceh Jaya, Aceh Barat,
Aceh Selatan, and Gayo Lues);
Coordinate the asset
selling/auctioning process for the project closing;
Assist in the maintenance of an accurate and up-to-date
supplier information database for regularly purchased items, and keep updated
on local market conditions;
Build good relationship with
other staff and department, vendor, and other stakeholder in work activity;
To perform any other duties as requested by
Logistics & Procurement Manager
 Recruitment Qualifications:
Education: A
minimum D-III degree
Experience :
3 (three) years qualifications and/or extensive field experience in
logistics/admin/finance related skills as listed above;
Basic computer skill required
Organized, with good attention to
detail and developed ability to prioritize tasks to meet tight deadlines and
organize work in a complex institutional setting;Experience in Project Closing;
Ability to work overtime and weekends
as needed to oversee delivery in the field
Diplomacy, tact and negotiating skills.
Team-working skills.
Flexibility under pressure and in
response to changing needs
Ability to travel frequently and at short notice due to organization need
Language Requirements : Excellent Bahasa Indonesia and upper-intermediate level of English
(written and spoken)How to apply :
Application must include a cover letter in English
and current Curriculum Vitae with the position code as the subject of the
CV should include 2-3 page professional resume
with education, and work experience (English only) and 3 professional
references (not related to/ family member with) the candidate complete with names,
job position and working phone numberfor the reference.
Resumes must have full contact detail of candidate
and qualified candidates should  sent the application tocaritas.ceko@gmail.comby 5 July 2012.
Note to applicants:
"No transportation costs
related to relocation will be provided."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
Catatan Penting bagi para pelanggan milis DevJobsIndo:
1.Untuk berhenti berlangganan, sila kirim email kosong yang ditujukan
pada:DevJobsIndo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com (Anda harus mengirimkannya
dari email Anda yang terdaftar pada milis).
2. Kami berusaha sebaik mungkin menghubungkan para pencari kerja
dengan pekerjaan yang tersedia di dunia pembangunan di Indonesia dan
atau luar negeri yang relevan, namun milis ini maupun para
moderatornya tidak bertanggungjawab atas segala bentuk penyalahgunaan
layanan publik ini. Kami harap Anda selalu waspada dan berhati-hati
dalam merespon lowongan kerja yang diposting di sini terlebih karena
Anda memberikan informasi pribadi yang bersifat sensitif atau rahasia
di dalamnya. Selain itu, harap tidak mengirimkan informasi pribadi
Anda ke alamat email publik (seperti Yahoo, Hotmail dan Gmail) dan
sebaiknya Anda mengirim aplikasi untuk posisi-posisi di mana alamat
email penerimanya terkait dengan alamat email atau situs web resmi
organisasi/lembaga yang bersangkutan.
DevJobsIndo Team

Important Notes to Members:
1. If at anytime you wish to remove yourself as a member please send an email to: DevJobsIndo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com  (you must send it from the address you subscribed).
2. While we do our best to connect job seekers with available positions in Indonesian and international development opportunities, this mail list nor any of its moderators can be held responsible for misuse/abuse of this public service. Please be careful when responding to vacancies as you are providing the recipient with very sensitive personal information. In addition, please do not send your personal information to public emails (yahoo, hotmail, gmail) and focus on applying for positions where the email address corresponds with the official and authorized email address of the organization/ institution.
Regards, DevJobsIndo Team


Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

[DevJobsIndo] Microfinance Expert for Market Assessment Study


Urgently Required
Microfinance Expert
A fast growing consultancy firm is looking for Financial Expert who have  extensive experience in micro finance  to conduct Water Credit Assessment in Indonesia. The study aim undertake a Water Credit Market Assessment (WMA) of the microfinance and water sector in Indonesia to gauge and estimate potential opportunities for Water Credit in the country.

We are seeking Financial Expert who has key qualification:
• A degree in higher education  in Financial Management,
• Proven experience in conducting research in the area of Microfinance, market assessment, product development  or similar study
• Have a deep knowledge in micro finance business activities in Indonesia,
• Previous  experience working in water/ sanitation sector is an advantage;
• Experience working with Community Based Organizations/ community

If you interest, please send your application and comprehensive resume to :

Please specify position you are applying for on the subject of email. Please submit your application before: Tuesday, July 10, 2012.
Thank you

PT Dazya Ina Mandiri
Environmental Management and Engineering Consultant

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
Catatan Penting bagi para pelanggan milis DevJobsIndo:
1.Untuk berhenti berlangganan, sila kirim email kosong yang ditujukan
pada:DevJobsIndo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com (Anda harus mengirimkannya
dari email Anda yang terdaftar pada milis).
2. Kami berusaha sebaik mungkin menghubungkan para pencari kerja
dengan pekerjaan yang tersedia di dunia pembangunan di Indonesia dan
atau luar negeri yang relevan, namun milis ini maupun para
moderatornya tidak bertanggungjawab atas segala bentuk penyalahgunaan
layanan publik ini. Kami harap Anda selalu waspada dan berhati-hati
dalam merespon lowongan kerja yang diposting di sini terlebih karena
Anda memberikan informasi pribadi yang bersifat sensitif atau rahasia
di dalamnya. Selain itu, harap tidak mengirimkan informasi pribadi
Anda ke alamat email publik (seperti Yahoo, Hotmail dan Gmail) dan
sebaiknya Anda mengirim aplikasi untuk posisi-posisi di mana alamat
email penerimanya terkait dengan alamat email atau situs web resmi
organisasi/lembaga yang bersangkutan.
DevJobsIndo Team

Important Notes to Members:
1. If at anytime you wish to remove yourself as a member please send an email to: DevJobsIndo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com  (you must send it from the address you subscribed).
2. While we do our best to connect job seekers with available positions in Indonesian and international development opportunities, this mail list nor any of its moderators can be held responsible for misuse/abuse of this public service. Please be careful when responding to vacancies as you are providing the recipient with very sensitive personal information. In addition, please do not send your personal information to public emails (yahoo, hotmail, gmail) and focus on applying for positions where the email address corresponds with the official and authorized email address of the organization/ institution.
Regards, DevJobsIndo Team


[DevJobsIndo] Vacancy at Mercy Corps - Corporate Relation Adviser


Mercy Corps helps people turn the crises they confront into the opportunities they deserve. Driven by local needs, our programs provide communities in the world's toughest places with the tools and support they need to transform their own lives. Our worldwide team in 41 countries is improving the lives of 19 million people.
 Mercy Corps Indonesia is currently seeking to fill the post through external candidates:   

1.  Corporate
Relation Adviser
Corporate Relation Adviser will be responsible mainly work with Business
Development Coordinator and Business Analyst Specialist in promoting Mercy
Corps Projects to other stakeholders (National Corporate, Indonesian based
International Corporate, Government of Indonesia's Agencies , particularly
related to investment, co-financing, and other type of partnership opportunity.
The Corporate Adviser will be responsible to produce map of potential partners,
initiate communications, develop tailor made partnership opportunities, and
maintain relation with the partners.
·         7 years of experience working in private
business/business consultant firms ;
·         Experience working as part of a
multi-disciplinary team;
·         MBA in Marketing  science is preferred;
·         Fluency
in English verbal and written communication is highly preferred;
·         Ability
to multi-task, follow procedures, meet deadlines and works independently and
cooperatively with team members essential;
·         Strong
familiarity with Microsoft Word and Excel are mandatory;
·         Candidate
must be familiar with Marketing ,presentation and multi media soft wares
This position will be as fixed term employee for 6
Please send your CV with position applied on the
email subject to: hrd@id.mercycorps.org 
Vacancy will
be closed 8 July 2012 and only short listed candidates will be contacted for
We look forward to hearing from those who are
interested in taking this opportunity to grow and develop with us.
Human Resources
Mercy Corps Indonesia

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
Catatan Penting bagi para pelanggan milis DevJobsIndo:
1.Untuk berhenti berlangganan, sila kirim email kosong yang ditujukan
pada:DevJobsIndo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com (Anda harus mengirimkannya
dari email Anda yang terdaftar pada milis).
2. Kami berusaha sebaik mungkin menghubungkan para pencari kerja
dengan pekerjaan yang tersedia di dunia pembangunan di Indonesia dan
atau luar negeri yang relevan, namun milis ini maupun para
moderatornya tidak bertanggungjawab atas segala bentuk penyalahgunaan
layanan publik ini. Kami harap Anda selalu waspada dan berhati-hati
dalam merespon lowongan kerja yang diposting di sini terlebih karena
Anda memberikan informasi pribadi yang bersifat sensitif atau rahasia
di dalamnya. Selain itu, harap tidak mengirimkan informasi pribadi
Anda ke alamat email publik (seperti Yahoo, Hotmail dan Gmail) dan
sebaiknya Anda mengirim aplikasi untuk posisi-posisi di mana alamat
email penerimanya terkait dengan alamat email atau situs web resmi
organisasi/lembaga yang bersangkutan.
DevJobsIndo Team

Important Notes to Members:
1. If at anytime you wish to remove yourself as a member please send an email to: DevJobsIndo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com  (you must send it from the address you subscribed).
2. While we do our best to connect job seekers with available positions in Indonesian and international development opportunities, this mail list nor any of its moderators can be held responsible for misuse/abuse of this public service. Please be careful when responding to vacancies as you are providing the recipient with very sensitive personal information. In addition, please do not send your personal information to public emails (yahoo, hotmail, gmail) and focus on applying for positions where the email address corresponds with the official and authorized email address of the organization/ institution.
Regards, DevJobsIndo Team


[DevJobsIndo] Call For Proposal PATTIRO_AIPD-CSO


Program Australia Indonesia
Partnership for Decentralisation (AIPD) melalui PATTIRO(Pusat Telaah
Informasi dan Regional) sebagai implementing
partner kegiatan, membuka
kesempatan pengajuan proposal kerjasama dalam kegiatan "Dukungan  terhadap Penguatan Kapasitas dan Pendampingan
CSO dalam Perencanaan, Penganggaran dan Pengawasan Penggunaan Anggaran Publik
di 5 propinsi dan 20 kabupaten di Indonesia"  sebagai
berikut :
No. Nama Kegiatan Volume Keterangan
1 Pelaksana Kegiatan Baseline Survey:
a. Baseline survey Program  Community Access to Information
b. Baseline survey CSO Budgeting 2 Paket Lokasi : Propinsi Jawa Timur, Papua, Papua Barat, NTT, danNTB.
2 Pelaksana KegiatanPembuatan Modul Training Anggaran 1 Paket Nasional
3 Pelaksana Kegiatan Pembuatan Modul PelatihanBudget Tracking 1 Paket Nasional
 Ketentuan dan Persyaratan Pendaftaran adalah sebagai berikut :
1.    Proposal
dapat diajukan oleh, lembaga pemerintah,Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) lokal maupun
internasional,organisasi masyarakatlainatau perorangan, yang berkedudukan di
Indonesiadan yang memiliki kualifikasi sertapengalaman di bidang kegiatan di
2.    Setiap lembaga dapat mendaftar dan menyampaikan proposal untuk lebih dari satu paket
pekerjaan. Penilaian dari setiap paket akan dilakukan secara terpisah.
3.    Mengirimkan Surat Ketertarikan kepada PATTIRO, dengan dialamatkan ke: PATTIRO(Pusat Telaah Informasi Regional, Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam VIII No.39, Jakarta Selatan
atau melalui email ke:  info@pattiro.org
4.    Penyampain
surat ketertarikan paling lambat tanggal 8 Juli 2012
Jakarta, 30 Juni

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
Catatan Penting bagi para pelanggan milis DevJobsIndo:
1.Untuk berhenti berlangganan, sila kirim email kosong yang ditujukan
pada:DevJobsIndo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com (Anda harus mengirimkannya
dari email Anda yang terdaftar pada milis).
2. Kami berusaha sebaik mungkin menghubungkan para pencari kerja
dengan pekerjaan yang tersedia di dunia pembangunan di Indonesia dan
atau luar negeri yang relevan, namun milis ini maupun para
moderatornya tidak bertanggungjawab atas segala bentuk penyalahgunaan
layanan publik ini. Kami harap Anda selalu waspada dan berhati-hati
dalam merespon lowongan kerja yang diposting di sini terlebih karena
Anda memberikan informasi pribadi yang bersifat sensitif atau rahasia
di dalamnya. Selain itu, harap tidak mengirimkan informasi pribadi
Anda ke alamat email publik (seperti Yahoo, Hotmail dan Gmail) dan
sebaiknya Anda mengirim aplikasi untuk posisi-posisi di mana alamat
email penerimanya terkait dengan alamat email atau situs web resmi
organisasi/lembaga yang bersangkutan.
DevJobsIndo Team

Important Notes to Members:
1. If at anytime you wish to remove yourself as a member please send an email to: DevJobsIndo-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com  (you must send it from the address you subscribed).
2. While we do our best to connect job seekers with available positions in Indonesian and international development opportunities, this mail list nor any of its moderators can be held responsible for misuse/abuse of this public service. Please be careful when responding to vacancies as you are providing the recipient with very sensitive personal information. In addition, please do not send your personal information to public emails (yahoo, hotmail, gmail) and focus on applying for positions where the email address corresponds with the official and authorized email address of the organization/ institution.
Regards, DevJobsIndo Team


Lowongan Kerja Apa yang paling anda/orang cari dan paling di sukai? (silakan pilih bisa lebih dari satu)