Lowongan Kerja Makassar 2013

Selamat Datang

Semoga Situs ini bermanfaat buat anda, dan semoga anda mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Selamat menikmati.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012


The Perpuseru program is up and running and the team is now looking for a Project Coordinator. This position, which has remuneration of 8-12 million rupiah/month is described as follows:


- Full-time commitment to 3 year program

- Based in Jakarta with regular travel to regions throughout Indonesia

Basic Qualifications

- Indonesian National

- At a minimum University degree in related field

- Minimum 5 years of experience as Project Director of Community Based Development Program, leading the implementation process at the grass root level and working with government and other development institutions (in this case mainly local NGOs).

- Ability to communicate effectively in English and Bahasa Indonesia both orally and in writing.

- Willingness to travel to rural areas throughout Indonesia


- In addition to Bahasa Indonesia candidates are expected to speak the English language with sufficient structural accuracy and with almost complete comprehension in order to maintain regular and effective communications with an English speaking donor.


- Capacity to lead a training, communications and advocacy team

- Support program implementation

- Effective analysis skills and ability to identify solutions to challenges

- Effective writing skills (especially regular report writing)

- Comfortable working to international and national standards of community development

- Computer and Internet skills and knowledgeable of Library IT

- Able to support local capacity training teams

- Experience and proficiency at working closely with NGO staff and government/other institution staff (mainly from department of Education and National Library).

- Familiar with overseeing training modules development, program implementation, monitoring and evaluation team, and stakeholder building 

Key Responsibilities

- Oversee implementation of the 3 year Learning Center Program

- Work face-to-face with key stakeholders including communities, government, local NGO’s, and the donor.

- Provide advisory roles to field project management and implementing team

- Responsible for the overall quality of the Learning Center program 

- Coordinate with key stakeholders to overcome challenges to implementing the Learning Center Program.

- Write reports and oversee reporting obligations of individual team members
 to ensure that all required project reports are accurately prepared and submitted as required. This includes preparation of regular updates for internal and external circulation related to the Learning Center program activities and results

- Document program activities and lessons learned

fTTIf you feel you are a viable candidate for this position please:

- Send CV & application letter by email using the Subject heading: PROJECT MANAGER CANDIDATE LEARNING CENTER to: sdm@klirkom.com

It is important to note that klirkom and all klirkom clients are equal opportunity employers and do not discriminate on age, gender, religion, or physical attributes. 

Our apologies but only short listed candidates will be contacted.

- For more information about us, please visit www.klirkom.com 

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Lowongan Kerja Makassar 2012 : COMMUNITY FACILITATOR (CF)

International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large
scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional
activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development
initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit. 

CARE Indonesia  in Makassar  is currently recruiting the following position for its project: 



This position will be responsible to the Project Manager, but technically will be supervised by Project officers. Community Facilitator (CF) will work together with CARE project Staff and other partner to design, planning and implementing activities in community with related institutions.
1.       Work with in co-operation with Local Government, opinion leaders, religious groups, and community based organizations (CBOs), etc across the target areas, providing information to the community about WATSAN and its components. 
2.      Organize meetings or events together with the village leaders and or water committee for the purpose of project implementation
3.      Facilitate and assist community organization to manage WSS and health and hygiene education, reflecting gender equity and poverty targeting principles.
4.      Build community capacity and assist community in developing the Community Action Plan (CAP), constructing WSS facilities selected by the community, and managing the O&M of the improved WSS facilities. This will include the following:
5.      Address complaints and questions about the project and help ensure transparency in all project implementation and decision making.
6.      Monitor and evaluate project activities in community level, in coordination with Monitoring & Evaluation Officers. 
7.      Provide timely and accurate progress reports for the supervisor and other partners as appropriate 
8.      Monthly Update of Project Activities Reports (Including database, indicator tracking tables, etc)
9.      Other tasks may reasonably requested by supervisor 
This section may include both internal and external relationships 
Internal PM, ROC, Admin Officer, Admin Assistant,  Finance Officer, Water & Sanitation Specialist, Gender Specialist, Institutional Development Specialist, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
External Community, PDAM, Health Departement, Agencies and District   
Select from among the following three levels of responsibility 
PRIME (takes full and total responsibility for achieving program, project or unit objectives) 
CONTRIBUTORY (provides support and contributes directly to achieving overall objectives) 
SUPPORTING (provides support and contributes indirectly to achieving overall objectives) 
1.      Have a degree Environmental/  SI Civil Engineering
1. At least 3 years experience working with international and local non government organizations
2. Familiarity with community level participatory approaches
3. Proven good ability as a Facilitator
4. Facility with Excel and Word
5. Demonstrated capacity to work as a team member
CARE is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment. Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attached academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly the applied position code in the email subject. 
Please submit your applications before March 16, 2012 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit: 
"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted" 

Lowongan Kerja Nasional 2012 : Administrative Professional

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. GIZ promotes complex reforms and change processes. Its corporate objective is to improve people's living conditions on a sustainable basis. GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

GIZ – Social Protection Program (SPP) is seeking for 1 (one) qualified `Administrative Professional' 

- Overall smooth functioning of the assigned area of responsibility: overall coordination and management of the office, administrative procedures, human resource, and event.
- Personal Assistant and coordination support to the Principal Advisor
- Technical backstopping to the Principal Advisor in designated areas
- Organizing other HR related tasks and contractual issues in a timely way in line with GIZ rules and regulations
- Meeting the administrative requirements of the office independently and with minimum input and supervision as per GIZ regulation (O&R and GOJ SOP)

- University degree in social science or similar
- At least 3 years' professional experience in a similar position
- Excellent command of MS-Office
- Good working knowledge of modern telecommunication systems (telephone, fax, e-mail, internet and its software)
- Good knowledge of management and communication skill as well national labour law
- Language skills (English, German, Indonesian)

Interested candidates should send their application letter and CV with latest photograph by the latest on 22nd March 2012 to Mrs. Johanna Knoess at johanna.knoess@giz.de and Mrs. Endang Setiawidi at endang.setiawidi@giz.de  

Lowongan Kerja Nasional 2012 : Dosen Pemerintahan Universitas Brawijaya

*Lowongan** **Dosen** Tetap Non-PNS Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan*

*Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik*

*Universitas Brawijaya *

* *

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Brawijaya membuka
lowongan untuk menjadi Calon Dosen Tetap Non-PNS pada Program Studi Ilmu
Pemerintahan, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

· Pendidikan S1 Ilmu Pemerintahan.

· Pendidikan S2 Ilmu Pemerintahan atau yang serumpun (Ilmu Politik,
Administrasi Publik, Kebijakan Publik) atau minimal sedang dalam proses
penyelesaian tesis.

· Diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman dalam dunia pendidikan dan
penelitian dalam lingkup ilmu sosial dan politik.

· Memiliki komitmen terhadap pengembangan keilmuan Pemerintahan.

· Bersedia mengikuti tes penerimaan dosen tetap Non-PNS yang
diselenggarakan Universitas Brawijaya.

Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Dekan FISIP Universitas Brawijaya,
Dilengkapi dengan daftar riwayat hidup (CV), fotokopi (scan) ijazah dan
transkrip nilai S1 dan S2, pas foto 4x6 2 lembar (scan), fotokopi (scan).
Surat lamaran beserta kelengkapan berkas, dikirimkan via email ke:
a.azis@ub.ac.id atau aswin.oz@gmail.com 

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Lowongan kerja Makassar 2012 : Marketing di Menara Bosowa

Dibutuhkan staff utk d tempatkan d bagian marketing d menara bosowa lantai 9 sbg public relation. Pend. Min. SMA. Utk info lbh lnjut hub. 085242958487.

Lowongan Kerja Makassar 2012, Telkomsel Pamasuka, Marketing, Channel Mgt, Corporate Account, Preffered Costumed, Finance, Information Technology

Lowongan Kerja Makassar 2012, Telkomsel Pamasuka menerima :

- Marketing (MKT)
- Channel Mgt (CHN)
- Corporate Account (CA)
- Preffered Costumed (PC)
- Finance (FIN)
- Information Technology (IT)
- Bace Station Sub System (BSS-NO)
- Switching Sub System (SSS-NO)

Persyaratan Umum :
- Usia maksimal 30 Tahun per tanggal 1 april 2012
- IPK Minimal 3,00
- Fress Graduate atau berpengalaman dibidangnya minimal 1 tahun

Persyaratan Khusus :
- Finance, Pendidikan : S1 MJ, Keuangan/ akuntansi, kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan : Telecomunication regulation, accounting, tax mgt, inventory mgt, computer literacy, financial report &, adm & filling mgt, detail oriented

- Information Technology : Pendidikan S1 Teknik Informatika/Teknik Elektronika Kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan Telecomunicaton regulation, PABX & Data Com, Creativity & innovation, communication skill, team work, computer literaracy, english proficiency

- BSS-NO dan SSS-NO, pendidikan : S1 Teknik eletronika telekomunikasi, Kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan : GSM Telecomunication, computer literacy, communication skill, team work, english proficiency

-  Marketing, channel mgt, corporate accout, preferred custemer, custemer relation, pendidikan S1 semua jurusan kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan : telecomunication regulation, event mgt, marketing reseach/analytical skill, strategy promotion, creativity dan innovation, data mining, negotiation skill, team work and computer skill, englilsh proficiency.

jika memenuhi persyaratan diatas, kirimkan lamaran lengkap :
- CV
- Copy ijaah terakhir
- copy transkrip nilai
- copy KTP
- Pas photo 4x6 1 lembar (berwarna)
- camtumkan kode posisi dipojok lamaran dialamatkan ke : HRD PT TELKOMSEL AREA PAMASUKA
jl. AP Pettarani No. 3 Makassar-sulawesi Selatan

lamaran paling lambat diterima 15 maret 2012
hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kuallifikasi yang akan dipanggil

Lowongan Kerja Nasional, Koordinator Hubungan Media dan Masyarakat

Dalam rangka melaksanakan tugas untuk memimpin, mengelola upaya
penanggulangan AIDS, Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Nasional (KPAN)

1 (satu) orang Koordinator Hubungan Media dan Masyarakat

Tanggung Jawab:

1. Perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kerjasama strategis bersama media baik
media cetak, elektronik dan online, termasuk:

o perencanaan dan pelaksanaan konferensi pers oleh organisasi secara

o pengembangan dan penayangan produk media seperti siaran pers, opini
editorial, konsep talkshow dan iklan layanan masyarakat;

o memastikan rutinitas ketersediaan stok produk media yang telah
dibuat baik melalui jalur off-line, on-line dan website organisasi.

2. Perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan advokasi publik yang
strategis seperti Hari AIDS Sedunia, Pertemuan Nasional dan lain
sebagainya, termasuk perencanaan keikutsertaan organisasi di
kegiatan-kegiatan advokasi publik yang strategis antara lain: Hari AIDS
Sedunia, Pertemuan Nasional dan pertemuan strategis lainnya.

3. Perencanaan dan pengembangan materi Komunikasi, Informasi dan
Edukasi (KIE) mengenai HIV dan AIDS untuk masyarakat, termasuk:

o perencanaan dan pengembangan materi KIE mengenai HIV dan AIDS untuk
masyarakat; memantau distribusi kepada mitra kerja dan masyarakat pada

o memastikan rutinitas ketersediaan stok paket informasi dan publikasi
dasar organisasi baik melalui jalur off-line, on-line dan website


1. Pendidikan minimum Sarjana (S1) bidang Komunikasi, Sosial atau
bidang lain yang terkait.
2. Pengalaman minimal 5 (lima) tahun dibidang komunikasi, advokasi,
media dan hubungan masyarakat terutama mengenai HIV dan AIDS

3. Dapat berkomunikasi dan menulis dengan baik dalam Bahasa
Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris, khususnya untuk kebutuhan
pembuatan siaran pers
Kerangka Acuan untuk posisi diatas dapat dilihat di
www.aidsindonesia.or.id <http://www.aidsindonesia.or.id/> , apabila anda
berminat mengisi posisi tersebut dapat mengirimkan lamaran dan CV paling
lambat 1 (satu) minggu setelah iklan ini ditayangkan dengan mencantumkan
kode posisi: KHM melalui email ke hrd@aidsindonesia.or.id

[Lowongan Kerja Makassar 2012] Manager, Ass Manager, Administrasi, Keuangan, Receptionist, Gudang, Office Boy (OB)

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri dan permodalan, membuka 3 cabang baru dan butuh 40 karyawan/karyawati untuk ditempatkan pada posisi :

- Manager
- Ass Manager
- Administrasi
- Keuangan
- Receptionist
- Gudang
- Office Boy (OB)

Persyaratan :
- Pendidikan minimal SMU/SMK, D1, S1
- Usia max 27 tahun, belum menikah
- foto copy ijazah terakhir/KTP
- Pas foto 3x4 2lembar

lamaran diantar langsung ke :
jl, cenderawasih no. 252 (samping BRI) makassar
HP : 085399206868 / 04115036817 (tidak menerima sms)

#berlaku 1 minggu setelah pengumuman ini diterbitkan, dan berlaku hari kerja 

PT. Kontak Perkasa Futures, Cari Karyawan, Buruan

Usia 18-30.
Bisa berbicara dengan baik.
Bagi yang berminat silahkan mendatangi kantor di "Menara bosowa lt. 9 jl. jend. sudirman"
Dan untuk yang sudah tiba ke lokasi langsung bisa cari "Lola" (tanyakan pada bagian receptionist)
Jangan Lupa Untuk menyertakan:

-surat lamaran
-dftr riwayat hidup
-fotocopy ktp
-fotocopy ijazah terakhir


PT. Kontak Perkasa Futures

info lebih lenkap Hub. 085299668006

Lowongan Kerja Apa yang paling anda/orang cari dan paling di sukai? (silakan pilih bisa lebih dari satu)